Sunday, 15 June 2014

Nickle brook headstock

7% avb  80ibu?

appearance:  cloudy orange body with a off white fluffy head. 

Smell: piney resonous hops over  a caramell malt body. 

Taste: Bright pine and resenous hops  over a sweet malt body with a bitter finish. 

Mouthfeel:  full body with a medium carbonation. 

Overall:  a well put together IPA with a pleasent lingering bitterness but to say its 80 ibu  i just dont see it.  3.7/5   

Sunday, 1 June 2014

Red racer ipa

Appearance:  clear copper  with a fluffy yellowish head.

Smell: pine hops over a faint caramell malt base. 

Taste:  resenous hops with a mild bitterness hop dominated flavor.  

Mouthfeel:  high carbonation with a medium body. decently drinkable. 

Overall:  a nice well mannered IPA leans more to the hop side of the flavor profile.  3.75/5

Phillips bottle rocket india saison ale

apearance: cloudy pale yellow.   with a thin soapy head 

Smell:  Hops and more hops  maybe a hint of caramell on the finish. 

Taste: medium hops  dry malts   its kinda light.  

Mouthfeel:  thin body  high carb  goes down easy 

Overall:  reasonably flavorfull  but still on the light side   could be something to get people into hopy beers?  3/5