Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Innis and gunn oloroso cask

appearance:  copper orange  almost no head retention. 

Aroma:  grapes wine and a bit malt sweetness

Taste: heavily oaked grape must.  kinda boozy.  malty sweet half way through and  earthy dryness from the hops on the finish. 

mouthfeel:  heavy body with mild carbonation.  medium drinkibility.    but the boozyness detracts from it.  

Thoughts:  quite an experience an enjoyable one though.  4/5  typical I&G quality and off the wall presentations.

Monday, 3 March 2014

St george absinthe verte


aroma:  black licorice or star anise.  

 taste: without sugar:  star anise  cinnimin pepermint  basil.  kinda hot  and numbing. 
 with one sugar pack.  and more water.  similar but without the heat.  tongue is got a soapy numbness to it.   not recomended with food if you wish to taste it.  

conclusion:  a definite experirence.  will have to perhaps come back to this at a later time.  after getting it dialed in