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Friday, 31 January 2014
Keiths galaxy hop.

Wednesday, 29 January 2014
omme gang three philosophers.
Wednesday, 22 January 2014
Delirium tremens
8.5 abv tripple from belgium with an interesting bottle.
Appearance huge head that lasts for days. Pale amber body
Smell spicy and fruity but kinda smells like bullognes sausage wtf?
Taste sweet but boozy dark fruits with the signiture sour belgian yeast finish.
Mouthfeel full oily body with biting medium carbonation its a sipper with the belgian finish.
Overall an intersting smelling beer thats packs a bit of a punch. 3/5 could be higher if it was less sour on the finish.
Monday, 20 January 2014
Rogue yellow snow ipa
6.5abv ipa from rogue brewing
Appearance cloudy orange body with off white head.
Smell citrus hopps over a feint caramell malt presence.
Taste bitter citrus grapefruit with a little caramell malt on the finish.
Mouthfeel full body with medium light carbonation. Easy drinking.
Overall a hopp bomb thats easy to drink 4.5/5
Tuesday, 7 January 2014
Apperance big fluffy tan head
Smell malty sweet and belgian
Taste belgian estery fruity malty with earthy finish
Mouthfeel thick oily medium carb fairly easy drinking.
Overall a really good belgian quad 4.5/5
Saturday, 4 January 2014
Unibrou raftman
Aroma smokey and kinda sour
Taste. Sweet smokey with belgian yeast finish.
Mouthfeel medium body low carb
Overall a lovely beer and it dident give me an allergic Reaction 4.8/5
Rogur roguenbier rye ale
Apperance dark with light head
Smell malty and smokey.
Taste malty smokey chocolate and earthy hopps.
Mouthfeel . Heavy thick but gows down easy. Medium carb.
Overall. A good smokey heavy beer. 4.5/5